Why Motivation is so important?

Why Motivation is so important?

Motivation is a mental driving force that makes a person active in achieving a goal. It can be intrinsic or extrinsic. This term is usually used to refer to humans. According to various theories, motivation is rooted in our basic needs – one of which is to reduce physical suffering and increase satisfaction. These may include other specific needs such as eating, sleeping, or any object of desire, hobbies, goals, living conditions, and norms. In a word, motivation is a combination of different needs and motives that guide a person in his activities.

Why Motivation is important?

Source of Motivation

Unsatisfied mental and biological needs create instability in the human mind, which in turn leads to the persecution of human behavior. This persecution continues until his needs are satisfied. Therefore lack of demand is the first source of inspiration. Biological or physical needs are food, clothing, shelter, drink, rest, restlessness, sexual desire, light, air, defecation, etc. Emotional needs are recognition, security, love, affection, curiosity, thirst for beauty, development of personality, etc. These desires create desire, desire, affection, or longing in us and drive us to achieve something. The energy created by inspiration is the source of all human motivation. 

Theory of Motivation

A reward, which can be visible or invisible, is given for the replication of an action (such as use). This is caused by the connection of users with a positive meaning. Research proves that if a person receives an instant reward, the effect is greater, and the effect diminishes over time. Work turns out practice while the work-reward combination is repeated. Applying enthusiasm procedures is much more difficult than it seems. Steven Kerr noted that it is much easier to reward “A” when creating a reward system, at the very same time hoping for “B”, but therefore creating a mischievous effect that makes interruption on the way to achieving the goal. Since the purpose of enforcing something is to add something extra to the environment and moderately increase the rate of coveted behavior, an enforcer is different than a reward.

Let’s move on to the main discussion about the types of motivation :

Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation occurs when people are motivated to do something because it brings satisfaction. They think their work is important or they think they are learning or doing something significant. The underlying source of inspiration lies in a specific task or activity – such as having fun solving a puzzle or a passion for playing. Research has shown that inspiration is commonly associated with high-quality results and satisfaction in students. Fritz Header used his attribution theory to explain the underlying motivation. Students gain Intrinsic inspiration if they :


  • Blame the underlying factor as the reason for the test results (such as how much effort they put into studying),
  • Believes that they themselves are the means to an end (meaning that test results do not depend on luck)
  • Instead of relying on memorization, want to know better about any subject for better results.

Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation refers to a practice that is driven by external rewards such as money, fame, and admiration. Such enthusiasm arises from the outside of the individual, as opposed to the individual intent, which arises inside the individual. It works when someone is forced to do something or behave in some way for a reason outside of himself (meaning or good result). Athletes are encouraged by the crowd during the game or sport, which sparks them to do well. Rewards are also an urgent need. Competition is also generally considered as a part of outward motivation, as it actuates one to win and lose, rather than to be satisfied with the underlying material of the performance. Social psychological research has shown that extroverted inspiration leads to exaggeration by extroverted rewards, which in turn leads to a decrease in underlying inspiration. Extroverted producers often cause a lack of inspiration. A famous experiment proved that children who have been rewarded for drawing with a felt-tip pen are no longer encouraged to play with the pen.

Biological Motivation

The motivations that help a person to survive, that is, keep them alive, are called biological motivations. Such as hunger, thirst, sleep, lust, etc. It plays a very important role in controlling a person’s behavior and workflow. Since these motivations are essential for sustaining life and are innately acquired by a person, they are also called primary or innate motivations. In the case of vulgar animals, biological motivations are more easily and unambiguously expressed, but in the case of human beings, these motivations are expressed in a controlled and polite manner due to the influence of society, culture and education. However, sometimes in the case of human beings, some biological motivation can also be distorted.

Social Motivation

In order to survive in society, there are some needs among the people which bring them establishment and prestige in life. There are some social motivations that seem simple at the moment but they are mainly educated and social. Examples of social inspiration like achievement, influence, prestige, fame, independence, loyalty, party affiliation, gaining status, etc. There is no physical basis for social motivation, but it develops in people in the context of society, civilization, and cultural background. While social inspiration is not essential to sustaining human life, it is closely linked to human activity and sustaining life. 


Fear Motivation

Fear motivation is the force that prevents you from doing anything. When you want to do something, when you can’t do it because of some unknown fear, it is called fear motivation. This is one of the obstacles in our way to reaching our goal. We usually get inspiration from someone’s failure story. When we hear the story of a failed man, we begin to find out the reasons why the man failed. We are then inspired to learn from this story and move on smoothly. 


In addition to the above, there are other types of motivation. Of which affiliate motivation, anticipation motivation, stimulus motivation, etc. are significant in many cases.

Controlling Motivation 

Motivation control is understood in a very short range. Motivation training has many different approaches but critics consider it unscientific. To understand motivation control, one must first understand why people lack so much motivation. 

After all, the main source of all our energy is motivation. Inspiration leads us to specific goals. Motivation is very important from our childhood to death. That being said, knowing the stage of life’s needs makes it easier for all of us to make effective decisions at the right time.

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